New Book

My chapter titled “Love Letter” in 100 000 Ans de Beauté is an homage to longevity science, advocacy, and the technologies that are advancing the longevity movement forward.


48.8534° N, 2.3488° E, 2050. Early morning transmission.

… There was no significant physical discomfort post-suspension, though I did feel a slight twinge of anxiety when the age reset prompt glitched momentarily. It faded quickly. Replay of early life, set at 24-hour pace, brought back nostalgic memories of pure, unenhanced bio-adolescence. I opted out of later age levels—the vintage recollections. … The blueprint’s parametric modeling of biomolecules and nanobots is intricate—but there’s a minor anomaly. Seems to be a biocompatibility Issue …” (Vita-More, p. 2-5-207).

Selected Publications: Books, Chapters, Essays


“D’Homo sapient à Homo sapient”. In France Forum. No.418, DECÉMBRE 2024. LINK


“Unbounded Existence: AI, Nanorobots, and Computational Simulation”. In Humanity In-Between and Beyond. Ed. Monika Michalowska. Springer Nature. LINK

“The Future Body: Nano Bodybuilders of Tomorrow”. In Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, and AI: Toward the Dream of Global Health Care Equivalency. Ed. Frank Boehm. Routledge Publishers. (In Press)


“How We Became: Bodies, Beings, Systems and Science”. in Homo Kybernetes: The Technosphere as a New Aesthetic. Žarko Paić. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. LINK

“Technoscience, Telos” in Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Evolution. Eds. Nathalie Gontier, Andy Lock, Chris Sinha. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Available: LINK


“Ability to Advance Knowledge and Capacity to Achieve the Impossible” in Handbook of Research on Learning in the Age of Transhumanism. Eds. Serap Sisman-Ugur & Gülsün Kurubacak. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing.

“A Flickering Flame: Goodness as a Candle in the Dark” in Rob Riemen (Ed.) NEXUS De strijd tussen goed en kwaad, No. 81. Amsterdam, NL: Nexus Institute. LINK

“2019 Recap: Vernor Vinge on the Singularity” in H+ Magazine online. Available: KUBJ

Philosophy: What is It? (Oct). Available at Amazon: LINK

“The Bioart of Neurons and Memory” in NOEMA. Ed. Pier Luigi Capucci. Ravenna, Italy: NOEMA. LINK


“The Body Vehicle: An Argument for Transhuman Bodies” in Modified Living as a Cyborg. Chris Hables Gray, Heidi Figueroa-Sarriera & Steven Mentor. NY, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

“History”. Ed. Newton Lee. Springer International Publishing AG.

“The Mitigation of Aging” in Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, and AI: Toward the Dream of Global Health Care Equivalency. Ed. Frank Boehm. CRC Press.

“Technoscience, Telos” in Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Evolution. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


An Argument for Bodies” in Bodies in Religion and Spirituality”. Sophia International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions. Springer Pub.


“Image Spread” in Art Against Art. Ed. Taslima Ahmed. Issue #2 Spring/Summer 2016. Berlin, Germany.

“Science in Design” in NOEM Technology & Society. Ed. Pierre Luigi Capucci. Ravenna, Italy. TBD 2016.

“Primo Posthuman” for “A Feminist Genealogy of Posthuman Aesthetics", Ferrando, Francesca, in Palgrave Communications Journal, and Audiovisual Posthumanism, 2016.

“The Growing Worldview” in Google It: Total Information Awareness. Ed. Newton Lee. 1st 3d. 2017 Edition, Springer Publishing.


"Persistence of Long-Term Memory in Vitrified and Revived C. elegans” in Rejuvenation Research Journal, 2015 Oct;18(5):458-63. doi: 10.1089/rej.2014.1636. Liebert Publishing.


“Design of Life Expansion and the Human Mind” in Intelligence Unbound: The Future of Uploaded and Machine Minds, (Eds. Blackwell & Broderick). Wiley-Blackwell.

“Contested Culture: The Plausibility of Transhumanism” in Existenz, Vol.8-2. 2014.

“An iterative design challenge” in Anticipating 2025, UK: London Futurists. 2012.


“Extended Minds” in Sistemi Intelligenti. Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino Publishing House. 2012.

"Aesthetics: Bringing Arts/Design Into the Discussion of Transhumanism" in The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. / Wiley-Blackwell, Publishing). 2012.

“Life Expansion Media” in The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future (Wiley-Blackwell, Publishing) 2012.

“Epoch of Plasticity” in Sistemi Intelligenti. Italy. (Academic Journal). 2012.


"Human Enhancement: Co-Evolving with the Brain -transformative (conceptual/actual/critical) media" in BEYOND DARWIN: the co evolutionary path of art, technology and consciousness. Ed. María GómezLechón. Valencia, Spain: SALA PARPALLÓ Diputación de Valencia. 2011.

“Zone of Life Expansion” in AI Society, Issue on “Biotopia”. Heidelberg: Springer. 2011.


"Epoch of plasticity: The metaverse as a vehicle for cognitive enhancement" in Metaverse Creativity. London: Intellect. Vol. 1, Number 1. pp. 69-80.

"Zone of Life Prolongation" in Technoetic Arts - A Journal of Speculative Research. Bristol, UK: Intellect Ltd.

"Bringing Arts/Sciences and Design into the Discussion of Transhumanism" in Transhumanism and Its Critics. Philadelphia: Metanexus Institute. Chapter 4, pp. 79-96.

"Aesthetics of the radically enhanced human" in Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research. Bristol, UK: Intellect. Vol. 8, Issue 2. Nov. 2010. pp. 207-214.

"Life Prolongation: Tools and Consequences" in Nanotechnology Now. Online 7thWave, Inc.

"We are Strong: Only Insofar As We Take Advantage of Our Innate Abilities and Build Smarter Tools" in Nanotechnology Now. Online 7thWave, Inc.

Zone of Life Prolongation" in BIOTOPIA (Eds. Morten Søndergaard and Victoria Vesna), New York: Springer Verlag.


"Bone Density" in Evolution Haute Couture, art and science in the post-biological age, Bulatov, Dmitry (Ed) Kaliningrade: KB NCCA pp. 64-65.

"Transhuman Statement" in ARTISTS' MANIFESTOS, New York: Penguin Modern Classics.

“The Aesthetics” in TIF English Journal. Institute of Media Arts, Yonsei University.

"Human Enhancement to the Extreme: a New Role for Art and Its Media" in INSIDE [arte e siencia] Editoria LxK> Pub. Impressao Europress, pp 312-217

"Human Enhancement Aesthetics" in D'ARS, N. 198, Italy, Giugno, pp. 35-37

“Bringing Art/Science and Design Into the Discussion of Transhumanism”. The Global Spiral, Winter Special Issues.

“The Mediated Technological Singularity: Human Use as a Passport to Technological Innovation”, in New Realities: Being Syncretic. Wein, New York: Springer. pp. 306-309.

“Nano’s Neo Normal” in Nanotechnology Now. Sep 19.

“Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Skin” in Nanotechnology Now. Jan 19.


"Designing Human 2.0 — Regenerative Existence". Volume 3, Pub. Routledge.

“La Guerra del diseno: Humanish vs. Postbiologico – una Practica del Juego con Posibles Efectos en la Humanidad" in Homo Ludens. Gijon, Spain: Laboral, pp 172-179.

“Nanomechatronics Nanosystem and Mitochondria Symbiosis” in Nanotechnology Now. Sept, 23.

“Putting Criticism Forward” in Nanotechnology Now. April 10.

“Nanofactory or AGI — Which technology could cure humanity's many problems?” in Nanotechnology Now. Jan 24.


“Posthuman - Putting Transhumanist Perspective into Contrasting Theories” in Nanotechnology Now. Aug 2.

"Brave BioArt 2: Shedding the Bio, Amassing the Nano, and Cultivating Posthuman Life." in Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research. Volume 5.3, pp. 71-86, London: Intellect, Inc.


"Strategic Sustainable Brain". Nanotechnology Perceptions: A Review of Ultraprecision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Volume 2, No. 1, March 27. Collegium Basilea, Pub. Institute of Advanced Study, Basel, Switzerland.

"The Perfecting of Man" in AnOtherMan, Issue 3, Autumn/Winter.


“Global Design”. The Journal of Geoethical Nanotechnology. Vol. 1: Issue 1:1st Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology, Terasem: Vermont.

“Sustainable Futures,” Death And Anti-Death, Volume 3: Fifty Years After Einstein, One Hundred Fifty Years After Kierkegaard, Charles Tandy (ed), Palo Alto, California: Ria University Press.


”The New Genre – Primo Posthuman”, Technoetic Arts, Ciberart-Bilbao Conference Publication.


”Primo Prototype – the New Human Body Design,” Cumulus Working Papers, Pub. Series G: University of Art and Design Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, Sotamaa, Y. (ed) Cumulus Journal, “New Body –Trans Post Human” pp. 9-12.


“Considering Aesthetics in Our Highly Technological Culture”, Cryonics, 1st Qtr. Vol. 22:1, p.45.

“Pro-Act”, Cryonics, 2nd Qtr. Vol. 22:2, p. 37.


Create/Recreate: 3rd Millennial Culture, Los Angeles: MoreArt.

“Total Isolation” in Cryonics, 2nd Qtr. Vol. 20:2, p. 10.


“Memories of the Memorial (Timothy Leary)”, Extropy, Vol. 17, p. 38.


“Stewart, Williams Headline 13th Annual Telluride Fest” Hollywood Reporter, Sept 10, Vol. CCXCIII, No. 34.


“Agent Kohner Feted at Telluride” Hollywood Reporter, 9/10/85, Vol. CCLXXXVIII, No. 32, p.1.

“Telluride Festival Honors Widmark, Tarkousky” Hollywood Reporter, Sept 6, Vol. CCLXXVII No. 25, p.3.

“Testament Play at Telluride Spurs UA Classics Pickup” Hollywood Reporter, Sept 14, Vol. CCLXXVII, No. 31.