Interviews: Print, Podcasts, Film Documentaries
Bias confirmation. [In press.]
AGI [in production].
“In Conversation”. Clot Magazine. Dec. 2023. Available.
“Seeking Apple Podcasts with Natasha Vita-More”. Season 2, Episode 3. July. Available.
“‘Perfection / Speculation in Conversation with Natasha Vite-More”. Vigeland Museum. Interview with Adam Peacock. Summer, 2023. Available.
“Overcoming Limitations, with Natasha Vita-More”. London Futurist Podcast. Available.
“#24: Radical Life Extension and Human Augmentation with Dr. Natasha Vita-More”. Hyperscale by Briar Prestidge. Apple Podcasts. Available.
“A-Z of the Future. Interview with Natasha Vita-More”. Society & Culture Apple Podcasts. Available.
“Pioneering Transhumanism: a conversation with Natasha Vita-More”. Forbes Magazine. Feb. 1. Available.
“Our transhumanist present. Interview with Natasha Vita-More”. Universe Magazine. Jan 30. Available.
“Digital University: Natash Vita-More”. Digital University. n/d. Available.
“H+ DAO and Transhumanism with Dr. Natasha Vita-More”. Maria Isabella. June 30. Available.
“Superlongevity Memory and Identify with Transhumanist Pioneer, Dr. Natasha Vita-More #6”. Apple Podcasts. The Future of You. Tracey Follows. April 4. Available.
“Primo Posthuman: A transhumanist showcase”. Digital Arts. Oct. 24. Available: Primo Posthuman: A transhumanist showcase – Digital Arts.
“El Futuro es hoy, segun 400 expertos”. El Tempo. Bogota, Columbia. Oct. 4. Available: El futuro es hoy, según 400 expertos - Novedades Tecnología - Tecnología - ELTIEMPO.COM
Occidental Observer. “2-3- Vision: Part III-Transhumanism and the Transhumanists of the Great Reset”. Oct. 12. Available: 2030 Vision: Part III—Transhumanism and the Transhumanists of the Great Reset – The Occidental Observer
“Perfection / Speculation – Genes, Memes and the Modifiable Body”. PRAKSIS. Oslo, Norway. Available:
Artful Science. April. 8. Available:
“A Strategic Plan Model for the Restructuring of Open Universities in the Transhumanist Age”. Serap Uğur, Ph.D. student, Prof. Dr. Gülsün Kurubacak, Thesis Advisor.
IM Immortalists Magazine. “Wisdom Through Meta-Knowledge”. Aug/Sep 2020.
Interview with Natasha Vita-More. ZMAZING TV. Available:
FR. (Benoit, n.d.).
Vogue Magazine, PL. (Czyewska, July). “Natasha Vita-More: Starzenie się to choroba”. Available
Glamour Magazine, PL. (Kucinska, July 11). “Przyszłość z robotami, czyli 2. edycja „Masters & Robots”, na której nie może Was zabraknąć”. Available
NRC Handelsbad, The Netherlands. (Gafsou, Mouchet, Nov.) “Verbeterde mensen zijn goed voor de samenleving” Available
The Good Men Project. “An Intervierw with Dr. Natasha Vita-More. (Bowman, May 6). Available
"Into the Night". Available
Business Insider. “That will be our future. The second edition of master’s and Robots starts soon”. (Polska, Aug 20) Available
VG. “Perfect health, perfect morality and eternal life: How new technology will make man better”. (n.a./n.d.) Available
Tendencias21. “Un robot humanoide inaugurará en Madrid la cumbre futurista mundial TransVision 2018”. (n.a. July 30). Available
El Mundo Magazine. "El Mayor Reto Para La Humanidad" (Yanke, May) Available
Faith Deficit Podcast. Feb 2018.
Redazione Report, Italy, RAI National Public TV and Radio. [3Million viewers], Feb 2018.
Superlongevity Network. Available
Aventures chez Les Transhumanites. "Cyborgs etc." (April 28) Available
Boerse-Express. "Afternoon dedicated to Artificial Intelligence" (April 19) Available
Wired Magazine. "Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Transhumanism is Dominating Sci-Fi TV" (Maloney Feb 8) Available
Adam Savage/SYFY Podcast: Interview with Natasha Vita-More. 5P Thursday, July 6. Available:
Newsweek Magazine. “AI and Transhumanism”. (Thomas, Aug 1). Available:
Vice Magazine. “The Futurist Who Believes we can Cheat Death”. June 1. Available:
The Liberty Project. “Should society embrace transhumanism?” (Hay, Apr 14). Available: “Visoki stroski vecnega zivljenja”. (Stefancic, May 5)
The Niche. “Global transhumanist leader Natasha Vita-More on human germline modification” (Aug 3)
Available Sanomat Newspaper. “About Natasha Vita-More” (Vahvanen, April)
OZY magazine, NPR, CNN USA Today. “Anti-Aging Trends” (Pandika, March)
The Creativity Post. “Design to Expand Human Potential – Interview with Natasha Vita-More” (Przegalinska, Jun 4), AU: “The Biotech Species” (Sep 1) by Melentie Pandilovski. Available:
Wired UK. “DIY Biohacking” (Sep 4). Available: hppt://
Smithsonian Magazine. “How to Become the Engineers of Our Own Evolution”, by Abigail Tucker.
Weekend Notes. “Transhumanism Conference @ RMT” (April) Available:
Flaunt Magazine. “Posthumans are People too – Natasha Vita-More” (Dec 11-Jan 12). Available: Magazine. “Talking to the Future Humans – Natasha Vita-More” (Holmes, Oct 11). Available: Fiction: designer transhumanity at Parsons. (April) by Bruce Sterling.
PSFK “Transhumanism Meets Design: Ethically Expanding Human Potential”
Popular Mechanics. “5 Near-Term Technology Forecasts from Industry Leaders at SXSW”. (March 18).
US News “Stem cell wars” (Aug 8)., "Media, Culture and Technology"
Singularity Weblog, "Profile of Natasha Vita-More"
Dutch Film & Television Academy, "The Singularity"
Le Monde, "Transhuman and Human Enhancement"
Ilabs, Italy, "Ethics and Law of Singularity"
Polytopia ezine, “The Audacious beauty of our future – Natasha Vita-More, and Interview” (Feb 8).
Allure Magazine. “Cosmetic Surgery”. (Joan Kron, Cont. Editor. NY) (Nov).
Tomorrow Museum, “Natasha Vita-More and Bruce Sterling at SXSW” (Mar 9).
Memebox “Natasha Vita-More: Transhumanism on the Rise” by (Mar 7) by Venessa Posavec New York Times, “Droid Rage”, by Cintra Wilson. (Oct 21).
Nutraceuticals World, “The Anti-Aging Movement” (Sept).
Tin Foil Music, “20 Questions with Natasha Vita-More”.
Meme Therapy. “Interview with Natasha”.
Neofiles #38, “Interview with Natasha Vita-More” RU Sirius.
MondoGlobo #38, RU Sirus
Le Magazine de Optimum, France Techno Multimedia Arts, "Natasha Vita-More, Bionic Woman" p. 56, No. 73, (Mars). Media Net Art "Cyborg Bodies".
Futurist "Pro-Life!" (July 23).
US News "The body of the future: High-tech homo sapiens" (May 25).
US News "Stem Cell Wars" (March 2).
Village Voice "Cyborg Liberation Front" (Aug 5).
Harvard Advocate "The Engineers of human souls at a Yale on transhumanism" (June).
KD Nuggets News "Exploring the "Singularity - Will human still exist by 2030?" (March).
New Haven Advocate "Technotopia - The Singularity & the End of Nature (April 3).
Crux News "Bio-Luddites and secular rapture" (Dec 31).
Alexander, Brian.” Don’t Die Stay Pretty, The Exploding Science of Superlongevity”, Wired, Cover, (Jan).
Tech, Cyberia "Cyborgk, nanotech es agysebesz robot (April 22).
Magerl, Sabine. “Unternehmen Unsterblilchkeit”, Franffurter Allgemeine, Feuilleton, p.24 (Jan 20).
Bull, John. “Meet Primo 3M+2002 — Natasha’s Newest Creation”, The Immoralist, Vol. 34, No. 3-4, p. 18 (March).
Smith, Simon. “Natasha Vita-More: Your Future in Art”,, (Jan). Feature: "Kaliforniens Cyberszene traumt vom ewigen Leben" (Germany) http://www.netbusiness.det.
Net-Business Section Feature: re Primo 3M+ featured (Germany) (Feb 12).
Reuters "Do Computers Really Think?" [The Spielberg film "A.I."] CNET: News. (June 18).
Journal Do Brazil Cover Feature: "Mentes sas, Robos Saos" (August 2).
il Nuovo "Transumanismo, la filosofia dell'immortalita", Culture Section Feature (Italy) 21:59 (Feb 16).
Timea, Irma. Kultur, "Extropianusok III, Natasha Vita-More I" (Oct 17).
Timea, Irma. Kultur, "Extropianusok IV, Natasha Vita-More II", (Oct 30).
Stern Magazine Germany, 2001 (future of arts, "Primo 3M+").
Grandin, Elina. “Natasha Vita-More Transhumanismens Drottning”, ZON, (Sweden) Issue 2.
Perry, Michael R. “Getting It Right”, Alcor Reaching for Tomorrow, 4th Qtr. Vol. 22:4, p. 39.
Li Pira, Simonetta & Elaborazioni Guido Rosa, “Non Invecchiare Mai”, Anna (Italy) Cover story (June).
Mattcioni. Gloria. “Que Superumani di California”, Class, (Italy) (May).
Mattcioni. Gloria. “In Prima Persona: Voglio Vivere Fino a 120 Anni”, Marie Claire (Italy), cover story, (April).
Vasek. Thomas. “Hightec-Kultere Kaliforniens Cyberszene Traumt Vom Ewigen Leben”, Net-Business (Germany), (Feb 5).
Bernhard, Brenden. “The Transhumanists”, LA Weekly, cover story, (Feb).
Dougherty. Emily. Laurel Naversen. “Eye on the Future” Harper’s Bazaar (Jan).
Clifford. Dave. “Back to the Future: Are we not Transhuman?” Mean Magazine, Cover, (April).
Vasek. Thomas. "Designe Dich Selbst" Brand Eins Wirtschaftsmagazin. (Feb),
Broderick. Damien. The Spike, Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, p.353.
Tyre. Peg. “Get Ready to Live to 120”, My Generation, No. 4. (Sept).
Granda. Carlos. “Cryonics”, ABC 7 News, (Nov).
Unknown. “Tech Edge, More Human than Human”, Cranial Wax, (Sep 24).
Werneck, Alexandre. “Mentes sas Robos Saos”, Jornal do Brasil, (Aug 11).
Williams, Mark. “On Our Way to Technorapture”, Red Herring, (June 1).
Kurzweil, Raymond. Age of Spiritual Machines, Pub. Penguin Group, Penguin Books, Ltd., p. 372.
Miami Herald re FM-2030 and transhuman ideas (June).
L'Espresso Cover Feature: "Giovani per Sempre" (Brazil).
Courau, Laurant. La Spiral re feature (July)
Bounds, Wendy. "A Total Makeover", The Wall Street Journal (Jan 1).
Courau, Laurent. LA SPIRALE - eZine re 2000 Millennium Events.
Soria, Lorenzo. "Giovani Per Sempre", L'Espresso (Italy), (Feb).
Gramstad, Thomas. “The Culture is the Answer”, Laissez Faire City Times, (June).
Brinkley-Rogers, Paul, “FM-2030 Dies”, Miami Herald, (June).
Bounds, Wendy. "A Total Makeover", Wall Street Journal, (Jan).
Courau, Laurent. “Natasha Vita-More”, La Spirale (France), (July).
Pegum, Phil. “Heart of the Matter”, BBC Films (London), (Jan).
Thomas Vasek. “Nanovisions”, Die Zeit (Germany).
Red Herring "On our way to the technorapture" (June).
Carta, Gianni. Carta Capital re "A Fonte Da Juventude".
Carta, Gianni. “Fonte Da Juventude", Carta Capital, (Oct).
Williams, Mark. “On Our Way to the Technoapture”, Red Herring, (June).
DeBord, Matthew. “Biotech at the Barricades”, The Atlantic Monthly, (Nov 11).
Freyermuth, Gundolf S. Cyberland: Eine Führung durch den High- Tech- Underground. Verlag: Rowohlt Tb.
Alcalde, Jorge. “El Club de Los Extropianos”, Muy Intresante (Spain), (Dec 1).
Fryer, Bronwyn. “2008: A Cyberspace Odyssey”, Gentry (Silicon Valley) pp 80-84, (Aug/Sept).
Pescovitz, David. “The Future of Physical Fitness”, Wired, (Reality Check) p.76, (Oct).
Heard, Alex. “They Want to Live”, The New York Times Magazine, (Sep 28).
Working Woman re future of work force on the Internet. C'T Magazine, Australia.
Muy Intresante El club de los Extropianos (Spain) – Feature. Numero 187. (Dec).
Cosmopolitan, "Women and the Future", Lifestyles.
Aspire “Natasha Vita-More's Life Extension Plan"
The London Observer (UK) mentioned re "Meet Mr. Immortal".
CA Liberty featured re Extro-2, "Redefining Art/Recreating Reality".
Asch, Andrew. LA Reader "Duty Now for The Future", Vol. 17, No. 35, (June 9).
Baker, Mark. Women in Their Own Words. New York: Simon & Schuster.
The Telluride Times Featured "Telluride Local in Interview magazine". Feature article, Thursday, (Dec. 6).